Alfresco Reviews

Alfresco is a powerful enterprise content management system designed to help businesses and organizations manage information more effectively.
Recent Alfresco Reviews
Valuable File Management Tools

Alfresco has more or less promoted paperless file management in our office. Every document, excel sheet, presentation, etc., is created and shared with Alfresco. We can share the document file directly from the Alfresco platform. All our data is saved on a cloud solution, which enables easy and effortless remote work operations.

By Luther StarFebruary 21, 2022
Pretty intuitive file management solution

Alfresco is a pretty reliable and extensible file management platform. It is pretty effective in managing files with flexible schemes and permissions. Overall it is great, but it requires prior knowledge to maintain and use the tools.

By Anthony BingDecember 20, 2021
Can Improve User Interface

I admire Alfresco file management software because I can upload numerous files at once, and it also enables me to upload files that are heavy in size easily and in no time. The user interface is very basic and dull, and lacks modern and eye-catching features. This being said, the customer support team is quite active, responsive, and responsible. I love how Alfresco has been helpful to me for the past year or so.

By Hewlett BrooksOctober 26, 2021
Easily Customizable silo

I’ve found that Alfresco is very easy to customize, which makes it great for companies who want to use it for the structure that suits them best.

By Roger JodraskoSeptember 17, 2021
Simple Sharing System

The sharing system within Alfresco is very simple, which makes it easy to share with everyone and anyone who needs access to your documents.

By Samuel KellySeptember 10, 2021
Easy and Intuitive Sharing System

My favorite thing about Alfresco is the sharing system because it’s simple to use, yet it’s also very intuitive. You can create a shared folder and share with your partners or team members by just clicking a few buttons. That’s why I really like the way everything works, it’s very easy to get used to and set up in your own business system.

By Brandon PriceSeptember 02, 2021
Alfresco is Flexible

One of my favorite things about Alfresco is that you can use it in so many ways, so it’s great for any business and organization out there! In your daily life, you can use Alfresco to share or store documents and information. But the great thing is that if you’re a big company, you can expand this system to include other types of information management systems, which will be a great opportunity to improve your business.

By Sandra ThompsonAugust 24, 2021
Alfresco is Perfect for Any Business

Alfresco can help you in any way, and that’s why I really love it! You can create different types of documents with it and then you can share them. I’ve found that the sharing system is very good for small companies or large corporations because everyone can see all of the information, from one silo to another.